Thursday, May 20, 2010

Happy #58: Take the long view and ride the wave.

It all comes and goes. Do you remember what you were doing or what you were feeling or what you were thinking three months ago today? Three weeks ago? Yeah. I didn't think so. Neither can I.

My point is, it's easy to get overwhelmed with life and events, responsibility and obligation, relationships and emotion while we're in the middle of whatever. And we forget that everything comes AND goes. But giving some thought to the scripturally based concept, "And it came to pass...", can help us keep perspective regardless of the waters we're riding and what we're experiencing in the moment.

So if it's smooth sailing today, be grateful and happy. If not, it will be again. So be grateful and happy anyway. :)

There is always something to be grateful for when you take the long view. Especially when you stop to consider that all we've really got is what we've got right now, in this moment.

Life is a ride. And it all works out.

So take the long view and ride the wave. :)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy #57: Do something brave.

In the 1920's, carrying what little she owned and her twin baby boys, my grandmother, twenty-five year old Mary Anne (Molly) Murphy, left an abusive husband and her home in Ireland, boarded a ship in England and sailed across the sea. Uncertain of the outcome, she had hope that whatever lay over the ocean was better than what lay behind.

I am certain that leaving her history, her family, and her beloved green hills of Ireland was difficult for Molly to do. She loved Ireland. LOVED it. I have no idea what compelled her to make the decision she did. But I know enough about her life to know circumstances were not favorable for her. And I know that Molly, my grandma, a single mother, poor, and with little more than a grade school education, was strong enough to make choices to better her life.

With hope on the horizon, she made a decision and carried out an action that changed her life. In the process she changed mine and the lives of my children.

She set the mark of bravery for me.

So here's my happy suggestion for today: Do something brave. Do something to change your life.

Because you have no idea how that bravery will impact the lives of those who follow you.

All aboard! :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy #56: Make a memory.

You never know when the rain and clouds are going to move in and swipe away your springtime warmth and sun. So It's nice to have memories to draw from to put the sunshine back in your soul.

So here's my happy regardless suggestion for today, whatever the weather may be where you are: make a memory. A good one. With loved ones. Bake, talk, laugh, take ridiculous pictures. Gather your loved ones in whatever way you can (even if it's just a phone call) and seize the day. Give yourself the gift of having a fun experience to look back on.

And people, learn to laugh at yourself. Check out the picture of me above. My pants are undone (too much lunch?) and you can see my jeans poking out my shirt. Lol. Hilarious.

The beautiful thing is, every day holds the opportunity to make memories.

You are my sunshine. :)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy #55: Know what you love.

If you have any hope of getting what you need from those around you, you have to know yourself, know what you want or need, and be able to clearly communicate those needs to your loved ones.

That said, there was a time in my life when I couldn't get what I needed, regardless of how clear I was. My (then) mother-in-law taught me a very valuable lesson at the time that is well worth sharing. She said, "Kathleen, when you can't get what you need from the people who should be giving it to you, you need to go and get it for yourself. Make your own happiness. Don't wait for others to make it for you, or you'll be disappointed for the rest of your life." Joyce was wise. I'm so happy we're still friends--regardless of the outcome of my marriage to her son.

Life is different for me now than it was then. I can get what I need now. My children know I love flowers and help in the garden. So that's what they gave me this year in honor of the day. (Don't hate me because my daughter is an off the charts talented floral designer...) Yesterday they painted the garage. And now they're downstairs in the kitchen, working together seamlessly to prepare a wonderful meal. I am so grateful for them all. They are amazing. And the greatest gifts of my life.

Anyway, I wanted to share some of my Mother's day with you.

Why? Because the fact that I can get what I want and need from the people in my life (when this wasn't always the case), gives me hope that others can too.

Happy Mother's Day.

Kelsie, the creator of these spectacular floral displays, at the end of Mother's Day. Getting what she needs... ;)

Monday, May 3, 2010

Happy #54: Simply serve.

Ok. I know I've said this in a number of ways as it relates to happiness. But today's experience newly defines service for me as one of the key ingredients to a life fulfilled.

I've been praying for crisper focus in the use of my time. Last night one word came to mind. Just one word. Serve.

Serve? WHAT?!? Like I don't? And how do I fit more service into a life already full of responsibility to family, home, work, education, and yes, SERVICE?!?!?

I was stunned. But truthfully, even in my deer in the headlights state, I don't think I've ever heard it so clearly and felt it so simply as I did last night. And I need to be honest here. It felt a bit overwhelming. I even thought for minute about being offended. I did. Since, you know, I serve...

However, tempted as I was, I didn't take offense. Instead, I went to sleep thinking of ways to fit more service in. And all that that would mean. Since more must mean more, right?

But more isn't always more. Sometimes more is actually less. It's just more deliberate. Purposeful. Mindful.

This morning something came to me as I was proceeding with my day. It was this: Serve from who you are.

I was running a work errand and happened upon the delightful little package of cookies in the photo above. They were so charming! I immediately began to think of someone I could give them to. Naturally, a suitable recipient popped to mind. So I bought them with plans to deliver them later today.

As I proceeded to make the purchase, I thought about service and about words I've heard a lot lately, "How can I help you?" I thought about how difficult that question is to answer. I always want help. And quite frequently need help. But I have a TERRIBLE time asking. And an even more difficult time drumming up a response when there is a well meaning offer.

When someone asks me how they can help me (or worse says, "Let me know if there's anything I can do for you!"), I feel uncomfortable, awkward, and a little bit embarrassed. Why? Because I should be able to manage my life all by myself.

But I can't. And heads up? Neither can you.

We all need help. We do. And we can uplift and help each other in so many, many ways. In as many ways as there are people on this planet, really.

Think of the good we could do in small and simple ways if we would just serve from who we are, in the ways that come to our minds to serve? In the ways that are natural for us? If we would just simply serve?

Because then, like with me buying those adorable cookies and feeling pure delight in doing it, ways of serving are natural. And serving "more" becomes natural too. There is ease. It just fits into the crevices of life. Like ice cream after a delicious dinner.

You may not see those cookies and think to give them away. Because that may not be you. But something about you and what comes naturally for you can benefit and uplift another human heart.

So, simply serve. In your way. Whomever and in whatever way comes to mind for you.

You will love how it makes you feel. And the one you serve will love it too.

There is happiness here, in serving, in giving and receiving love.

Give giving of yourself a whirl. :)