Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy #94: Say thank you.

Juliet called and asked if I remembered a night when she and Kelsie were spending time together in their room. Let's see. Twenty years, loving sisters... Which time?? Lol. :D

It would have been before Kelsie left last June for her mission in Florida. So that narrowed it down a bit. But I was still drawing a blank, for obvious reasons. ;-)

She said they were snuggling, like they do, talking and laughing, when I came into the room with two glasses of water. I smiled, set the waters down, and left.

No big deal, right?

But for some reason on that day and in that moment, Juliet's heart was touched by my service. And she's thought of it over and over again in the time that has passed. (She's been away at college in WA.)

She intended to say something long ago, but kept forgetting. She wanted me to know much my care for her and her sister means to her. Simple, unsolicited service.

It took a year or more. But she didn't forget she wanted to say it. And her expression of thanks for my mothering came at a moment I needed it.

This is the first post in my series on our path to Peaceful, regardless.

Say thank you.

It doesn't matter how long it's been. If someone did something that moved you, find the way to let them know.

Because you never know whose heart you'll be lifting when you say thank you for the time they lifted yours.

Thank you, Juliet.

I love you. :-)

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