It's snowing again in consistently surprising Salt Lake City. I've been keeping my windows open at night to offset the hot flashes. (Too much information, I'm sure. But this is my blog. Lol.)
Anyway, last night it got COLD. So freshing... When I woke up, the trees were flocked once more in the ever delightful greatest snow on earth. Light, fluffy, powder. Who could ask for more on a fresh (very nearly May) spring morning?
It reminded me of a day not too many days ago when I was looking out my kitchen window as I did the morning dishes.
The sun was streaming in, setting my dish water bubbles ablaze with rainbows. The sky was blue, blue, blue and the pear tree in my back yard was budding the most magnificient spring green. Off to the left in my yard is a HUGE plum tree. It is probably the size of my garage. I'm not kidding. It sits on my neighbor's land and spreads it's draping branches over the area I would like to see become a flagstone patio. I love it.
On this day, the tree was especially spectcular. It was bursting with enormous, white blooms. Explosive with blossom. Explosive. I am unable to draw up the words to adequately describe it because it looked like heaven to me. And it was one of the most stunning, beautiful things I've ever seen.
I thought in the moment that I needed to go and take a picture so I could share it with you. But I was doing the dishes and I wanted to finish. And, I thought, this illustrious display of spring will be here for a few days so I have time to take a picture.
That's what I thought.
So I finished the dishes. And although I can't remember, I'm sure I finished several other things as well. But I didn't get the picture.
A windstorm came up that night and blew all the blossoms off the tree. When I got up the next morning and stood again at my kitchen window I was so saddened by the lost opportunity to capture something that was so uplifting to me. I said to Kelsie, "I just didn't know they'd be gone so soon."
I realized the moment I said those words how true that is for the people in our lives. The real moments of splendor and beauty and new life of spring.
We don't know how long we have someone. And we're always so busy doing things, finishing stuff, paying attention to matters that don't matter nearly as much as the people around us.
We're always surprised by the sudden departure of someone close. We all seem to say the same thing. We didn't know they'd be gone so soon...
So on this spring day, whatever the weather may be where you are, pay attention to the real spring around you. The real life. The people. The essense of this world that makes the real difference.
There's another 2" of snow on the ground in my yard. And on my blossoms of spring.
But you are the real spring in my heart.
And I'm so happy you're still here.
Share the love. :)