Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Happy # 107: God keeps His promises.

The other morning I was on a run and had started up the hill in the graveyard when all the sprinklers turned on. Within minutes there were multiple rainbows from the water streams shooting out under the sunshine.

It was beautiful, powerful, and peaceful. Naturally, I took a picture. :)

When I was looking at the photos later that evening, I noticed something interesting. In several of the images, a large rainbow had spanned a section of the tombstones.

And then it hit me. There it was--the symbol of God's promises--stretched out like a landmark over the symbols of death, as a reminder of eternal life.

It gave me peace.

God keeps his promises.



  1. Many things happen around us all the time to remind us of God's love and promises. The truly wise are those who are awake and able to see it.

  2. So you're saying I'm wise? :-) Love you, Bill! :D

  3. This is a good thing to remember when I am not feeling so shiny and happy. ;-)

  4. Why, yes. I believe I am! ;-)

    Shucks, I just call 'em like I see 'em.
