Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Happy # 108: Be happy regardless.

This will be my last post on this blog.

I began this journey almost two years ago as a way to document the process of finding happiness during misery. I discovered the things I believe increase happiness, do indeed make a difference. And that regardless of what you're going through, you can find happiness if you follow a few basic steps.

1. Find something to be grateful for. (Have a thankful heart.)
2. Find something to do. (Exercise and/or work it off.)
3. Find something to eat. (Nourish body, mind, and soul.)
4. Find something to look forward to. (A different way to think about your life.)
5. Find someone to serve.

To this list I would like to add: Trust God.

All this said, you can only take responsibility for your own happiness. And as much as you may want to, you can't fix someone else or make an unhappy person happy.

I think I've pretty much said everything there is to say on the subject... ;)

So I close this blog with gratitude for the journey that has shown me there is ALWAYS another way. And sometimes all it takes is simply finding the other way to think about a thing that helps ease the pain and move us into being able to let go.

I've learned things along the way about myself. And my personal happiness has increased immeasurably. While it blows my mind that it took until I was almost 50 years old to learn what I did, I am grateful I know these things now. A life abundant with love and happiness awaits. :D

Thank you for sharing life with me for awhile. And good luck on your own personal journey to being happy regardless.

I'm on to the next adventure in mine. Drop me a line and I'll include you. :)

Peace out.


  1. Say it ain't so!!!

    I want to be included! Whatever you're up to, I want to know/share!

    Thanks for sharing what you are, K. Who you are shines brightly and gloriously, and I am blessed to know you. Thank you!

  2. i wrote REGARDLESS in a blog post and immediately thought of YOU! I will come back to read all of this. IN FACT ...I want it in a BOOK! Are you publishing?

    I love you friend. Best to you and all you are moving forward to do. Keep writing and PLEASE include me!

    hint...where are you headed in your adventure?

    ♥U ...xoxoxxx

  3. I want to be included! Love you!!!
