Sunday, March 18, 2012

Happy #109: Happiness is for everyone.

August 24, 2011, I wrote what I thought would be my last post on this blog.

Following that entry I began an attempt to write about love. But it turns out love is a difficult thing to write about. At least for me. Which is odd because I am a very loving person with genuine love of and for mankind. Genuine.

But what surprised me even more than my experience in finding love hard to write about, was how limited the readership was. You can read about it here.

I can only attribute this to what I perceive to be the obvious: if you have love you don't want or need to read about it. If you don't have love, reading about it is painful. And who wants or needs any more pain?

I've considered returning to writing about finding happiness regardless of what life brings for a few months now. A combination of events brought me back. I've gained new understanding about love and happiness while we've been apart, and sharing my learning with you brings me happiness. Interestingly. And hope for love. Oddly. But no fear. I'll cloak the love talk so you barely notice I'm even mentioning it at all... ;-) I may even continue the love blog. But it will be from a different angle.

So we're back to the journey and we begin again. Because happiness is for everyone.

Thank you for reading.

Warmly and with love, :-)
