Sunday, January 9, 2011

Happy #82: Find some faith. Then get to work.

I'm going to keep this brief. Mainly because the effort to say something I've thought would be meaningful to you (combined with finding the time to actually write something meaningful) has resulted in writing very little lately.

Not that you've noticed... ; )

But this morning my friend and like-minded collegue, Roma, sent me a link to The Napolean Hill Foundation that is worth passing on.

In browsing the site, I found Dr. Hill's (hey, that's going to be me in a few years...) Success Scrolls--17 Principles for Success.

This one struck me in particular. So I'm sharing it with you.

Where will I find the $65,000,000.00 I need to create the Wharf development for the Port of Blaine and the faithful little community there praying for help with their town? I have no idea.

But I have faith. And creative vision. And so do they, for that matter. And we're all doing the work to make it happen.

So it's as good as done. And I do mean, done.

Watch and see. : )

In whatever you hope to do for good, find some faith. Then get to work. We'll all feel better. And maybe even make some miracles happen.

Hand in hand with God, we are.

Isn't it great?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is great! Thank you for sharing your vision with me. I am doubly inspired for 2011 and what follows.
    "Whatever the mind can conceive & believe, the mind can achieve." Faith.
