Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Happy #57: Do something brave.

In the 1920's, carrying what little she owned and her twin baby boys, my grandmother, twenty-five year old Mary Anne (Molly) Murphy, left an abusive husband and her home in Ireland, boarded a ship in England and sailed across the sea. Uncertain of the outcome, she had hope that whatever lay over the ocean was better than what lay behind.

I am certain that leaving her history, her family, and her beloved green hills of Ireland was difficult for Molly to do. She loved Ireland. LOVED it. I have no idea what compelled her to make the decision she did. But I know enough about her life to know circumstances were not favorable for her. And I know that Molly, my grandma, a single mother, poor, and with little more than a grade school education, was strong enough to make choices to better her life.

With hope on the horizon, she made a decision and carried out an action that changed her life. In the process she changed mine and the lives of my children.

She set the mark of bravery for me.

So here's my happy suggestion for today: Do something brave. Do something to change your life.

Because you have no idea how that bravery will impact the lives of those who follow you.

All aboard! :)

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