Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy #45: Spend time with Juliet.

Ok, it's one hour later and I'm still awake.

So I'm going to take a minute and comment on one very quick way to happiness: spend time with my darling Juliet. (Well with any of my children, actually. They're all so flat out funny and enjoyable to be around...)

After teasing the President of Westminster College about his shoes (in her charming way and with her charming smile), Juliet left yesterday evening to return to Seattle. Spring break is over.

Juliet. Everybody MISSES you SO much!! Keaon, Kelsie, Jackson, Rhea, Me. Even Mark and Matt. Especially Matt.

You left a big hole here in Salt Lake City when you got on that airplane.

So enough of this college in Washington nonsense. There are plenty of good schools in Utah.

We need you. We love you. We miss you! :(

Seriously? I'm having an allergic reaction to your absence. I'm breaking out in a rash. Ok, maybe it's from the stress I'm under, but all I know is we like it better when you're here with us. And I wasn't itching before you left. I'm just saying.

In the words of my dear friend Vicky Palmer Otte:

"Ergo," it's time to come home. (Ok, word. Those last five words are mine.)

No pressure.

1 comment:

  1. But, I can't spend time with Juliet? Do I need to move, find a Juliet for myself, or is Juliet a metaphor?
