Monday, February 8, 2010

Happy #8: You.

It's true. Just thinking about being with you makes me happy.

Like a big bunch of balloons, ice cream in a waffle cone, and a cool breeze on a summer day.

I need you for my personal happiness.

You know who you are. :-)

P.S. And btw people, reach out and touch someone you love. They need you more than they say. What's the song? "If you need a little more love, why don't you say so?" Most people don't say so. But they need you.

Connect. As opposed to contact. You know the difference.


  1. You are everyone's favorite person, you know that right?! And I love that last line! Can I quote you on that???

  2. Urban Puma, I flat out adore you. Seriously. And yes. Feel free to quote me. Absolutely. SO happy you're reading. So happy! :)

    And thanks for reaching back to me and connecting. It means a ton. I felt your love woman! Thank you. :)

  3. P.S. urban puma. I took a few minutes yesterday to think of the people in my life and remember times with them that made me happy. (I was feeling lonely, so it was a really good exercise.)

    It was a wonderful walk through time.

    One of the thoughts of you that made me happy? You sitting on that huge rock on the beach at Martha's Vineyard (trying to stay dry), and the wave coming up, hitting the rock, and spraying you. So funny. Lol. :)

  4. I'm gonna say it's me, just to feel better about myself. :) Have a great day, Kathleen. And don't feel lonely...lots of people everywhere are thinking about how much they adore you, even if they don't get to express it as much as they'd like.
